The year 2021 has passed and 2022 now lies ahead. For those of you reading this who have been following me or who have been reading my books, this update is for you!

In 2020, I published the six novellas of the Siege Chronicles series. In January 2021, I released Siege Chronicles: The Complete Series, which combined the six novellas into a single collection. This book was also made available in a print edition, and in July of 2021 the audiobook edition was released, narrated by Michael Reimer.
In June of 2021, I published The Case Files of Aldicus Vescard, in both ebook and print editions. I have since received many requests for an audiobook edition, and I am happy to tell you that one is in the planning stages.
But what lies ahead for 2022? Not much that will be released, I am sorry to say. The big item will be the release of the audiobook for the Case Files of Aldicus Vescard. However, I do not have an ETA on that, as it is being produced by an audiobook company that has a bit of a backlog.
My plans for the rest of the year are to continue work on my epic fantasy series, The War of Wars, which has been years in the making. The War of Wars series takes place in the world of Mythania—the same setting for Siege Chronicles (which also takes place during the War of Wars) and The Case Files of Aldicus Vescard.
I wish I could say when you can expect to see the first book of the War of Wars series, but even I do not know. I hope to complete the first few books this year, and have first drafts of the others next year (in 2023), at which point I may begin releasing the series. But these books are epic-length fantasy novels (i.e., 600+ printed pages) so each draft takes a long time to write, to say nothing of revisions and editing.
All I can tell you is to stay tuned. Watch for the upcoming audiobook for The Case Files of Aldicus Vescard, perhaps sometime in the first half of the year, and drop by occasionally to see if I have posted more updates.
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