Over-science is the usage of magic in man-made devices to power or enhance them, or to create devices that are in some way magical. Many of these devices are called magines, which is another term for “mage-engines.” Magines are devices that either create energy from aethergy or aethergy from energy, or conduct aethergy from an elemental or astral source. Vizstones and orichalium circuits form the core components of all mage-engines and other aetheronic devices, but aetheronic induction coils, oscillation amplifiers, spark resonators, spark tubes are also used. Over-science devices include aetheric batteries, aetheric motors, aetheric dynamos, aetheric impellers, and so forth, as well as more advanced elemental furnaces, aurium furnaces, and solaonic reactors.
Other types of over-science machines actively generate empowerments. Sometimes termed aetheronic devices, these are defined as being any machine, device, or mechanical contrivance that generates a magical effect. Aetheronic devices are highly complex, and one or more mages, as well as gearmeisters, mechanics, and engineers, may all be involved in its construction.
Luminaries are frosted glass globes of various diameters, with a pair of tiny (and relatively inexpensive) vizstones inside. One is infused with a simple illumination empowerment, while the other is an aethergy conductor stone. Both are trivial empowerments, and are routinely mass produced. Luminaries are by far the most common over-science device (to the point that few actually consider them “over-science” any more), and are used for illumination in most major cities, although gas lighting remains more common due to its lower cost and the fact that gas lamps are stolen far less frequently. Larger luminaries are levitated with additional vizstones and more powerful conductor stones, and these may float in the air above the streets or around large palace chambers. Luminaries are also used in airships, for obvious reasons, but also aircruisers or sea-going ironclads, simply to avoid having to carry additional fuel for lighting.
Aetheric Motor
Aetheric motors are similar to any mechanical engine, turning a crank, wheel, axis, or rotor to do mechanical work. Aetheric motors are more expensive than steam engines or ichor engines, but are smaller, generate little noise, and produce no foul fumes. However, they must be powered by an aetheric energy source, such as conductor stones, an aurium furnace, or a special “liquid aurium” fuel infused with vita materium. Some aetheric motors are powered by aetheric batteries or aetheric condensers.
Aetheric Impellers
Aetheric impellers are similar to aetheric motors, but are used for aerial propulsion. They are cylindrical turbines, spiraled in aetheric induction coils, aetheric resonators, and helical impeller blades. When fully powered and spinning, the impeller engine can drive a ship or aeronef through the air simply by pushing a powerful aetheric resonance off the aetheric substrate. Impeller engines can be powered by ichor engines or turbines to spin the impeller, with the addition of an aetheric dynamo to convert some of the mechanical force into aethergy. They may also be powered by an aurium furnace, an elemental furnace or turbine, a special “liquid aurium” fuel infused with vita materium.
Aetheronic Emission Tubes

The aetheronic emission tube, more simply known as spark tubes or spark valves, are glass tubes of various sizes, fitted with an aetheronic resonator and filled with luminescent alchemical gas. When heated, the gas becomes excited, glowing a brilliant color (blue, red, green, or various other colors, depending on the gas), changing the harmonics of any aetheric current induced by the aetheronic resonator. Spark tubes are commonly used to rapidly switch an aetheric current on and off on a particular circuit, giving fine control over the various functions of the over-science device. Some mages also incorporate them on their talismans.
Aetheronic Resonators
Aetheronic resonators, also called spark gap resonators, induce aetheric resonance at various frequencies. They consist of paired braided orichalium wires pointing toward one another with a small gap in between. When aethergy flows through the wires, an arc of sparking aetheric resonance is generated in the gap, inducing an oscillating aetheric resonance field. This resonance field can be modulated, allowing for finer control of aetheric patterns. Spark gap resonators that consist of two vertical poles, along which the arcing aetheric spark climbs, are known as climbing arc resonators. Spark gap resonators work in tandem with oscillation amplifiers and induction coils to generate the overall effects of the over-science device.
Aetheronic Induction Coils
Aetheronic induction coils are composed of coiled orichalium wrapped around a copper tube, and is a fundamental component of many over-science devices. They can be used to “smooth out” sharp spikes in aetheric resonance field, which can help harmonize various patterns of resonance, and generally work in tandem with oscillation amplifiers, spark gap resonators, and spark tubes to generate the overall effects of the over-science device. Some mages also incorporate them on their talismans.
Oscillation Amplifiers
Oscillation amplifiers are small cylinders about the side of the thread spindle, wound in orichalium. When aethergy is passed through the tightly wound orich wire, the aetheric field will excited the numerous quartz crystals inside the spindle, creating an amplified aetheric oscillation. Attenuation is lost with as greater power is applied, but such oscillation amplifiers are used in most over-science devices to regulate the power and frequency of aetheric resonance. Some mages also incorporate them on their talismans.
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