Siege Chronicles: The Complete Series Released


Siege Chronicles: The Complete Series recounts the high-flying, gun-blazing, spell-blasting adventures of Davrick Caliburn, Sid Voltelion, and Talyaana Rae. Taking place during the momentous events of the world-spanning War of Wars, the intrepid mercenary team finds themselves caught up in one death-defying battle after another. Along the way, they pick up a host of allies, forming a rag-tag band of renegades determined to bring an end to the diabolical machinations of the shadowy Tenebrean Order.

“Sell-spell sorcerers, vampire operatives, killer automatons, and a heist to nab a legendary dragon stone… It’s all in a day’s work for Davrick Caliburn.”

Siege Chronicles: The Complete Series is available now on

Contains all six novellas: Battle-Train Siege, Mercenary Siege, Gearmeister Siege, Aircruiser Siege, Blood Mountain Siege, Demon Realm Siege.